How To Change Microsoft Office 2013 Serial Key
ให้เราทำการปิดชุด Microsoft Office 2013 ก่อน > จากนั้นไปที่ Start > Control Panel > Uninstall Program > ทำการเลือก Microsoft Office 2013 > จากนั้นกด Change. กด Enter a Product Key > Continue. Or you want to change your Office 2013/2016 Product key to the new one when the old one is out of date and it is asking for the product key. Three ways to change Office 2013/2016 Product Key: Way1: Change Office 2013/2016 Product Key from File Account.
- How To Change Microsoft Office 2013 Product Key In Windows 8.1
- How To Change Microsoft Office Password
- Microsoft Office 2013 Keygen
I installed Office 2013 and put in the product key when it asked me to. After typing in the product key, it allowed me to use MS Word once. After I closed MS Word and went to reopen it the next day, it said the product key I entered was incorrect (maybe I typed it in incorrectly). It asked me to change it. I tried opening MS word and clicking File -> Account but was unable to change the product key from there.
I then went to control panel -> uninstall a program and then clicked on Office 2013 and clicked 'change' but it gave me no option to change the product key. So I decided to uninstall and reinstall it.
I uninstalled it and then went to reinstall it with the setup file and now it is giving me an error saying:
The first product key I entered seems to be saved somewhere. How do I delete / change it?
How To Change Microsoft Office 2013 Product Key In Windows 8.1
bwDraco2 Answers
Depending on the combination of Office 2013 and Window version you might have to change the path to Program Files(x86)
Here is the sequence that should work for (x64 Windows -> x64 Office) and (x86 Windows -> x86 Office):
Open cmd prompt
Run the following commands:
cscript 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15ospp.vbs' /dstatus
Note down the partial product key(s) (there can be multiple)
cscript 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15ospp.vbs' /unpkey:partial_key
This will uninstall an installed product key with partial product key you noted earlier. Uninstall all of the keys.
Now you should be able to add it from Control Panel the usual way. Or you can use:
cscript 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15ospp.vbs' /inpkey:new_full_key
How To Change Microsoft Office Password
Then you need to activate it.
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Just for update: Still works in Office 2016, you just need to change 'Office15' to 'Office16'.
Just run the setup for Office 2013 again and choose the option 'Enter a Product Key' in the first screen.
protected by Community♦Nov 15 '15 at 0:42
Microsoft Office 2013 Keygen
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